Welcome to Elder Care English Cafe!

This is a nice English learning blog for people who are interested in, major in, or get involved in the field of elder care. Welcome all of you to join us. Let's enjoy learning English and developing our career.

2010年8月27日 星期五

Conversation 2-協助用餐對話

Orderly: Dear Teresa, today’s lunch is congee with sweet potato, hope you like it.

Teresa: Do we have other choices? It’s so hot, and I don’t really want congee.

Orderly: Well, it is much easier for you to digest. Let me help with your dining.
               First, we are going to raise the bed a little.
               It’s warm now, but be careful with the sweet potato.
               They are still hot sometimes.
               Let me cut them into small pieces for you, and it is easier to swallow.
               Please open your mouth. Well done. How does it taste?

Teresa: Not bad. Why does it taste so sweet? Do you add much sugar?
Orderly: Haha, see, the Sweet Potato in Taiwan is much sweeter than other country.
              Some tourists even mistake it for Carrot.

Teresa: It’s soft and good with congee. Is it good for health?
              You know, some tasty food is not good for health.

Orderly: Oh, right. It is good for digesting and circulation,
               but for diabetics, it should be limited because of the starch.

Teresa: Is it good to me?

Orderly: Don’t worry. The food is prepared under the diet consideration.
               Try some Okra. It’s beneficial, too.
               It’s delicious as a cold appetizer and good for preventing the diabetic.


Key words 關鍵字彙

Congee [ˋkɑndʒi] () 稀飯;白米粥
Digest [daɪˋdʒɛst] () 消化
Swallow [ˋswɑlo] () 吞嚥
Circulation [͵sɝkjəˋleʃən] () 循環系統
Diabetic [͵daɪəˋbɛtɪk] 糖尿病患者
Starch [stɑrtʃ] 澱粉
consideration [kənsɪˋreʃən] () 考量
Okra [ˋokrə] 秋葵

 Key sentence 關鍵句型
Let me _______1________. Please ______2________. (讓我幫您。請…。)
1 take your temperature 量體溫
2 hold the thermograph in your mouth請含著溫度計
   check your blood pressure 量血壓
   show me your arm 把手臂伸出來
   give you a shot 打針
   don’t move 不要移動 Take it easy. 放輕鬆。
   change the dressing for you 包紮換藥
   sit upright坐直起來 Reach out your leg.把腿伸出


Hospice by the Sea 一個非營利的安寧照顧病房組織


Hospice [ˋhɑspɪs] 旅客住宿處(安寧病房)

Palliative [ˋpælɪ͵etɪv] 減輕的

Chronic [ˋkrɑnɪk] 慢性病的
Life is precious, and each day is a gift.
This philosophy guides every moment of care we give at Hospice by the Sea. Whether patients are in our hospice, palliative care, or home health care programs, we help them to live fully, comfortably, and in the company of the family and friends they love.
Illness affects not only patients, but their loved ones as well. For that reason, we care for both patients and their families. We're there, with sensitivity and support, to meet their range of needs, from managing pain and easing anxieties, to answering questions and counseling on decisions.
In delivering our services, we fully respect each person's right to privacy and dignity. This is detailed in Hospice by the Sea's patient's bill of rights. A copy of the document, which is highlighted below, is given to all patients in our programs.

Patient's Bill of Rights 患者權利條款

The patient has the right to: 病患有以下權利
  • Be treated with dignity.有尊嚴地接受治療。
  • Be respected for his or her individuality. 他或她的獨立自主性受到尊重。
  • Be respected for his or her philosophical and religious beliefs. 他或她的個人信念及宗教信仰受到尊重。
  • Maintain the highest quality of life possible. 盡可能地維持生活最高品質。
  • Be as comfortable as possible physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. 盡可能地在生理上、情感上、社交上和精神上都過得舒適。
  • Have the opportunity to make choices regarding his or her care. 有為照顧自己做決定的機會。
  • Have family members take part in planning his or her care. 讓家人能參與照顧病患的計劃。
  • Know the status of his or her condition. 知道病患的狀況。
  • Privacy in the administration of his or her care. 對於病患的行政資料絕對保密隱私。
  • Know that care will be provided regardless of his or her ability to pay. 知道不管病患是否有能力支付費用,照顧仍然會繼續提供。
以上是有關Hospice by the Sea這個安寧照顧福利網站的部份介紹,如果大家有用的話,不妨把一些說法學起來,也可以幫助自己宣傳自己所服務的機構喔!





Dear all,



2010年2月19日 星期五


繼網路上公佈了顧人怨十大青菜排行榜之後,我們來看看第一名的黃秋葵(Okra),素有lady finger之美稱的她,到底對我們的健康有多大的幫助呢?
以下這篇文章來自一個叫做Cancer Dietitian癌症營養學者的網站,

Nutritional Benefit of Okra

First off, okra is a great source of many cancer fighting and immune boosting nutrients. It's got 66% of the RDA for Vitamin K and is also high is calcium, fiber, folate, manganese and magnesium.

Okra is also a great source of those "cancer phyters" known as phytochemicals. In fact, it has 620mcg of the phytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin, potent antioxidants in the carotenoid family. Research shows food containing carotenoids probably protect against cancers of the mouth, pharynx and larynx.

Also, the fiber in okra is great for bowel regularity and there is probably evidence that foods containing fiber can decrease risk for colorectal cancer.

Given all these great things about okra, why don't we like it?? We're BIASED by years of negative press!

Don't let other people talk you out of it. I didn't grow up eating it; do you know anyone from California who does? However, after living in NC for almost 15 years, I finally met someone who could give me a good recipe (Thanks, Amy!!). And it's not too hard either!

So here goes. Try your own version and see how you like it!
所以請連上網站來看這份食譜吧! http://cancerdietitian.com/2009/08/

2010年1月23日 星期六

Joke: How is Norma?

A sweet grandmother telephoned St. Joseph 's Hospital. She timidly asked,

"Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?"

The operator said, "I'll be glad to help, dear. What's the name and room number of the patient?"

The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice said, "Norma Findlay, Room 302."

The operator replied, "Let me put you on hold while I check with the nurse's station for that room."

After a few minutes, the operator returned to the phone and said, "I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Norma is doing well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back normal and her physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged tomorrow."

The grandmother said, "Thank you. That's wonderful. I was so worried. God bless you for the good news."

The operator replied, "You're more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter?"

The grandmother said, "No, I'm Norma Findlay in Room 302. No one tells me spit."

2009年9月13日 星期日

Jelly Bean小豆子闖天下之Care.com

